As of May 1, 2011 "Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male" is now "Sensitivity 101...The Search for Accepatnce." Thanks to the success of the book, and all the wonderful reviews, I was able to change the title to attract even more readers.
I thank you for all your support and am happy to announce that "Sensitivity 202...Life Isn't All About You" will be published in late 2011 or early 2012.
Welcome to the blog of Philip Nork, author of 'real-life fiction.' Taking bits and pieces of life and then adding in fiction allows the author to write a realistic story that most people will relate to. All of Philip Nork's book share a common theme: You never know when a person will enter your life and broaden your horizons forever. What you will find here are reviews of books written by other Independent authors done by Philip Nork and news about Philip Nork and his books.